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IB2Event - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside
IB2Event is the interface for all the information for a two participants event
IB2EventState - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside
A representation of event states which only have two participants
IB2Match - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside
A representation of matches which only have two participants
IB2Record - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside
IBetEvent - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api
Betting Event is all the information for a single event
IBetEventState - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api
A representation of event states
IBetMatch - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api
BetMatch is a real world occurrence which has outcome.
IBetRecord - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api
Betting Record is all the information for a single record
IBMultiEvent<R extends IBMultiRecord> - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.multi
IBMultiMatch<E extends IBMultiEvent> - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.multi
IBMultiRecord - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api.multi
id() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve event id
id() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetMatch
Retrieve match id
id() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetRecord
Retrieve odd id
id() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetEvent
Retrieve event id
id() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetMatch
Retrieve match id
id() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetRecord
Retrieve odd id
InsertEvent<E extends IBetEvent> - Class in jayeson.lib.sports.client
This class is used when events are inserted in snapshot.
InsertEvent(ISnapshot<? extends IBetMatch>, Collection<E>) - Constructor for class jayeson.lib.sports.client.InsertEvent
InsertMatch<M extends IBetMatch> - Class in jayeson.lib.sports.client
This class is used when matches are inserted in snapshot.
InsertMatch(ISnapshot<? extends IBetMatch>, Collection<M>) - Constructor for class jayeson.lib.sports.client.InsertMatch
InsertOdd<R extends IBetRecord> - Class in jayeson.lib.sports.client
This class is used when odds are inserted in snapshot.
InsertOdd(ISnapshot<? extends IBetMatch>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class jayeson.lib.sports.client.InsertOdd
INVALID - Static variable in class
IParticipantStats - Interface in jayeson.lib.feed.api
This contains statistics of a participant.
isAllowed(TargetType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Record
Indicates whether this record can bet on given target type
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.CompanyFilterRule
isComplied(IBetEvent) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.DurationRangeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetEvent) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.EventIdFilterRule
isComplied(IBetEvent) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.EventTypeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetMatch) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.ExactLeagueFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.LayBackTypeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetMatch) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.LeagueKeywordFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MarketFilterRule
isComplied(IBetEvent) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchEventIdFilterRule
isComplied(IBetMatch) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchIdFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.OddTypeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.PivotBiasFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.PivotTypeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetEvent) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.RedcardFilterRule
isComplied(IBetEvent) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.ScoreFilterRule
isComplied(IBetMatch) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.SportFilterRule
isComplied(IBetMatch) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.StartTimeRangeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TargetFilterRule
isComplied(IBetMatch) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TeamKeywordFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimePivotTypeFilterRule
isComplied(IBetRecord) - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimeTypeFilterRule
isNegated() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.GeneralDataFilterRule
isNeutral() - Method in interface
isSwapped() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Record
Whether or not the two side of the record has been swapped
isSwapped() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.B2Record
isTimeout() - Method in class
Retrieve indicator to show if the match is timeout.
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