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game() - Method in class
Indicates the current game.
game() - Method in class
Retrieve the game number
gender() - Method in interface
Retrieve gender for the basketball match
gender() - Method in interface
Retrieve gender for the soccer match (work in progress)
gender() - Method in interface
Retrieve tennis gender (work in progress)
GeneralDataFilterRule - Class in jayeson.model.filterrules
This class acts as a base for all the filter rules and provide negate ability The isComplied method should be implemented by all the filter rules that extends this class, isComplied will return true only if the MetaRecord passed the filter rule successfully
GeneralDataFilterRule() - Constructor for class jayeson.model.filterrules.GeneralDataFilterRule
GeneralDataFilterRule(GeneralDataFilterRule) - Constructor for class jayeson.model.filterrules.GeneralDataFilterRule
get2SidedEvents() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.multi.IBMultiMatch
getAv() - Method in class
Return true when the player wins the first point from a deuce and needs one more point to win the game, else return false
getBookFilter() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getCountry() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetMatch
Return the code of the country organizing the league
getCountry() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetMatch
getCreatedTime() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEventState
getCreatedTime() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetEventState
getCurrentGameWon() - Method in class
Retrieve game score of current set
getCurrentPointWon() - Method in class
Retrieve point of current game
getCurrentSetWon() - Method in class
Retrieve set score
getDurationLower() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.DurationRangeFilterRule
getDurationUpper() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.DurationRangeFilterRule
getEventId() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.EventIdFilterRule
getEventId() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchEventId
getEventState(String) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve IBetEventState basing on the name of sportbook
getEventState(String) - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetEvent
Retrieve IBetEventState basing on the name of sportbook
getEventTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.EventTypeFilterRule
getExcludeCompanies() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.CompanyFilterRule
getExcludeKeywords() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.LeagueKeywordFilterRule
getExcludeKeywords() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TeamKeywordFilterRule
getExcludeRateId() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getExpelled() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.RedcardFilterRule
getFilter() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.FeedView
getGameWon(int) - Method in class
Retrieve first/second/third/fourth set game score.
getGuestHalfScore(int) - Method in class
getGuestQuarterScore(int) - Method in class
getGuestTotalScore() - Method in class
getHalfScore(int) - Method in class
Retrieve first/second half score and overtime basketball score.This method only applies to NCAA league (men), will return -1 for other league.SegmentNum indicates the basketball segment, segmentNum = 1 will retrieve first half score whereas segmentNum = 2 will retrieve second half score.
getHostHalfScore(int) - Method in class
getHostQuarterScore(int) - Method in class
getHostTotalScore() - Method in class
getIds() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchEventIdFilterRule
getIncludeCompanies() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.CompanyFilterRule
getIncludeKeywords() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.LeagueKeywordFilterRule
getIncludeKeywords() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TeamKeywordFilterRule
getIncludeLeagues() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.ExactLeagueFilterRule
getMatchId() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchEventId
getMatchId() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchIdFilterRule
getMeta() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.BetEvent
getMinutes() - Method in class
Retrieve minutes elasped in current segment.
getMonitorMarketType() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MarketFilterRule
getMultiSideEvents() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.multi.IBMultiMatch
getOddTypeFilter() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getOddTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.OddTypeFilterRule
getOperator() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.RedcardFilterRule
getOperator() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.ScoreFilterRule
getP1CurrentGameWon() - Method in class
getP1CurrentPointWon() - Method in class
getP1CurrentSetWon() - Method in class
getP1GameWon(int) - Method in class
getP2CurrentGameWon() - Method in class
getP2CurrentPointWon() - Method in class
getP2CurrentSetWon() - Method in class
getP2GameWon(int) - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getPivotBiases() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.PivotBiasFilterRule
getPivotType() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimePivotType
getQuarterScore(int) - Method in class
Retrieve first/second/third/fourth quarter score and overtime basketball score.
getRecords(String) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve collection of records by a particular book id
getRecords(String, TimeType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve collection of records by a particular book id and time type
getRecords(String, OddType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve collection of records by a particular book id and odd type
getRecords(String, LBType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve collection of records by a particular book id and lay/back type
getRecords(List<String>, LBType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Retrieve collection of records by a particular book id list and lay/back type
getRecords(String) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Event
getRecords(String, TimeType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Event
getRecords(String, OddType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Event
getRecords(String, LBType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Event
getRecords(List<String>, LBType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Event
getRecords(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of basketball records basing on the specific book id
getRecords(String, TimeType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of basketball records basing on the specific book id and time type
getRecords(String, OddType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of basketball records basing on the specific book id and odd type
getRecords(String, LBType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of basketball records basing on the specific book id and lay/back type
getRecords(List<String>, LBType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of basketball records basing on the specific book id list and lay/back type
getRecords(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of soccer records basing on the specific book id
getRecords(String, TimeType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of soccer records basing on the specific book id and time type
getRecords(String, OddType) - Method in interface
Retrieve soccer records basing on the specific book id and odd type
getRecords(String, LBType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of soccer records basing on the specific book id and lay/back type
getRecords(List<String>, LBType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of soccer records basing on the specific book id list and lay/back type.
getRecords(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of tennis records basing on the specific book id
getRecords(String, TimeType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of tennis records basing on the specific book id and time type
getRecords(String, OddType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of tennis records basing on the specific book id and odd type
getRecords(String, LBType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of tennis records basing on the specific book id and lay/back type
getRecords(List<String>, LBType) - Method in interface
Retrieve collection of tennis records basing on the specific book id list and lay/back type
getRuleType() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.GeneralDataFilterRule
getScope() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getScore() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.ScoreFilterRule
getScores() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IParticipantStats
Sport dependent score information
getScores() - Method in class
Retrieve a list of basketball score information.First element is the total score, followed by hasQuarterScore(indicator to show if the basketball match provide quarter 1/2/3/4 scores, return false for NCAA (men) league), first quarter score, second quarter score, third quarter score, fourth quarter score, and over time score.
getScores() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.ParticipantStats
Sport dependent score information
getScores() - Method in class
Sport dependent score information
getScores() - Method in class
Retrieve a list of tennis score information.First element is the set score, followed by game score, point, advantage flag(return by getAv() API), score type(return by getScoreType() API), game score of first set, game score of second set, game score of third set, game score of fourth set, and game score of fifth set.
getScoreType() - Method in class
To identify the score type of the tennis record.Return GAME_POINT for normal point, return TIEBREAK_POINT when the set enter tie break.
getSeconds() - Method in class
Retrieve seconds elapsed in current segment.
getSportFilter() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getSportTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.SportFilterRule
getStartTimeLower() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.StartTimeRangeFilterRule
getStartTimeUpper() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.StartTimeRangeFilterRule
getStream() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getSubject() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.RedcardFilterRule
getSubject() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.ScoreFilterRule
getSubscriber() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsFeedClient
Retrieve subscriber which is responsible for reading stream and connect to the stream
getTargetType() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TargetFilterRule
getTimePivotTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimePivotTypeFilterRule
getTimeType() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimePivotType
getTotalScore() - Method in class
Retrieve the total score of host/guest
getTtlConfig() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.LayBackTypeFilterRule
getTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.PivotTypeFilterRule
getTypes() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimeTypeFilterRule
getUri() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
getUsername() - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.SportsConfig
guest() - Method in interface
Retrieve guest name
guest() - Method in interface
Retrieve guest name
guestCard() - Method in class
Retrieve the number of red cards that the guest has obtained
guestScore() - Method in class
Retrieve the number of goals that the guest has scored
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