- handlerFilterEvent(IFilterEvent) - Method in class jayeson.lib.sports.client.FeedView
- hasEvent(String) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetMatch
Check if the match contains particular event given the event ID.
- hasGameCount() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.tennis.TennisEventState
Indicates whether or not game is valid
- hashCode() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.api.PartitionKey
HashCode of odd type, source, sport type
- hashCode() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.tennis.TennisTimeType
- hashCode() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.GeneralDataFilterRule
- hashCode() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.MatchEventId
- hashCode() - Method in class jayeson.model.filterrules.TimePivotType
- hasLBType(LBType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Check if there are lbType records in the event object.
- hasMatch(String) - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.core.Snapshot
- hasOddType(OddType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Check if there are given odd type records in this event
- hasPivotType(PivotType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.twoside.IB2Event
- hasQuarterScore() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.basketball.BasketballStats
To check if the match provide quarter 1/2/3/4 basketball score or
first/second half score (for NCAA league (men)).
- hasRecord(String, long) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Check if there are given source and id records in this event
- hasSetCount() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.tennis.TennisEventState
Indicates whether or not set is valid
- hasSportbook(String) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
Indicates if this event contain records from given sportbook.
- hasTimeType(TimeType) - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.api.IBetEvent
- host() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.basketball.BasketballMatch
Retrieve host name
- host() - Method in interface jayeson.lib.feed.soccer.SoccerMatch
Retrieve host name
- hostCard() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.soccer.SoccerEventState
Retrieve the number of red cards.
- hostScore() - Method in class jayeson.lib.feed.soccer.SoccerEventState
Retrieve the number of goals that the host has scored